Monday, December 1, 2008

Left Side Neck Pain

More often than not left side neck pain is associated with people who are left handed.

The reason for this is because of the way that people will work or do their hobbies using their left hand predominately.

The repetitive action that is associated with the use of one or the other arm creates the problem.

This can be alleviated somewhat with regular rest periods and also specific neck exercises however even then many people will still get regular to constant left side neck pain.

I got some good information from a friend who had a similar problem and eventually bought the book for myself and I must say that this was the turning point for me in eliminating my pain.

If you're suffering from left side neck pain than I suggest you take a look at Vitalism and I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised with the relief that you can get.

There is no need to suffer from constant left side neck pain whether you're left handed or just doing some form of action that is causing your problems.

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